Hi. My name is Jonathan D. Fitzgerald, but everybody calls me Fitz.
I'm an Assistant Professor of Humanities/General Education at Regis College in Weston, MA. In the spring of 2018, I earned my PhD in English at Northeastern University. My dissertation (now, manuscript) is titled "Setting the Record Straight: Women Literary Journalists Writing Against the Mainstream." It is a re-consideration of the history of literary journalism with a focus on role that women writers played in its nineteenth century origins, and the way emerging media have and continue to shape the genre's history. My research fields include the history of literary journalism, media studies, nineteenth century American literature and culture, American Christianity, and digital humanities. I'm also a collaborator on the Viral Texts Project and former research assistant with the Women Writers Project.
Before enrolling at Northeastern, I worked as a freelance web developer and journalist, with articles and essays appearing in publications such as The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, and others. Links to some of those are here.
In 2013, Bondfire Books published my ebook titled Not Your Mother’s Morals: How the New Sincerity is Changing Pop Culture for the Better. You can read more about the book here.
I earned a BA from Gordon College and a MA from the University of Massachusetts in Boston, both in English. Since then, I've taught writing and journalism at several colleges and universities in Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey.
Since 2020, I've been a contributor to a weekly newsletter called "...in Progress." You can read and subscribe here.
I'd love to connect on Twitter: @jon_fitzgerald